Almost two months after the start of this blog (and the website as a whole), here we are at the end! Throughout these blog posts, I've covered a few different topics of interest. Business has a lot I could've talked about and a lot I DID talk about! This isn't exactly a review, but a final discussion of some of my thoughts about it. So, let's cover that!
Many of these topics were on a level of "confirming what I already know, just in more detail". I already had an idea of how important communication skills, handling emotions, networking, and video editing would be in my career path. However, I always appreciate extra details and information!
My research reminded me that I have a much better time relaying information when I have tables, numbered data, or specific examples to work from. Having a grounded standard to derive information from significantly helps me understand and communicate it to others. That's part of the reason I enjoy working with spreadsheets so much!
Besides the obvious skills that could be applied from my research (again: communication skills, networking, etc.) there's a lot you can take from studying business. This class gave me much more information on how businesses work and the moving parts that keep them running. I have no intent of ever owning a business, but I DO think a deeper knowledge of how they work will help me in the long run! I value that information a lot.
Admittedly, some things were lacking. In my 2nd blog post, I mentioned I couldn't find much information about networking (it mostly just led to SOCIAL networking research papers which, while related and personally interesting, were not what I was looking for). I'm still interested in looking into it more thoroughly! As I said in my SMART goals, a sizable network is something I need to pursue later in my life.
There's a lot to talk about when it comes to business. I'm pretty happy with what I've written and the conclusions I've come to, though. I like to watch and learn. Seeing and doing research is going to help me a lot.
I have one more note - a little less business-related. This is more of a bonus. These characters I've been using for my pictures aren't nameless. You've seen a little bit of Trist, but that's about it. For sticking with me this long, here's a look at how I USUALLY draw them!
Thanks for reading!