There are a few professional goals I've been aiming for since I started studying business. It's taken me a little while to put them into words, but the most important to me are...
Improving my communication skills. My communication skills aren't bad, but I can recognize places where they could use some work, especially in person. Most of my work communication experience is online, so I need to work on carrying that experience to real life. That involves speaking and clarifying my ideas easily, understanding other people's ideas, and communicating questions and problems. Less specifically, it also helps to improve confidence, clarity, and respect in both verbal and non-verbal communication, among other things[1].
Growing my professional network, both in-person and online. Building a good reputation with network of people is a great help in the business world! Whether that's access to the hidden job market, referrals, or even just long-lasting friendships, building a sizable network is very important. Of course, with that in mind, I want to build that network as soon as possible. Right now, most of my work is online and isn't associated with my real name. I want to start taking advantage of that as soon as I can! And, of course, making new friends is always nice.
Learn to use many different kinds of video editing software. Since I'm specializing in a video-editing field (or, at least planning to), it's especially important to learn the current industry standard in video-editing software. Right now, that would be Adobe Premiere and its surrounding products. Those are my top priorities to learn, but I want to be able to effectively use all sorts of programs to prepare for any situation.
So, what are some questions I can ask myself to send me in the right direction? To find out what I need to improve, how to improve it, and where to go to accomplish that.
For instance... what is a scenario where your communication wasn't great, and how could you have done better? Is that scenario something you can practice handling better before running into it again? Was the root issue with understanding someone, a problem with controlling your temper, multiple things, or something else entirely?
For networking, how could you find events to help grow that network? Would one of your friends or acquaintances be willing to invite you to that kind of event? How would you meet new people once you're there?
And lastly, for the different software, how willing are you to learn and research to reach a program's full potential? Can you give an example of problem-solving a program issue or issues that might help you problem-solve in a new environment?