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Interface Design - Balloon Bobble


I haven't made a lot of blog posts about Interface Design (only the one), but I've been steadily working on it! Time for me to go ahead and show what I've been working on.

You're probably familiar with the famous “Don't Let The Balloon Hit The Floor” game. Based on that starting point, every class member designed a mobile game version of it! Who their target audience was, how the game would play, what features of the phone it would use. We learned how to design a UI and guide players to do things.

This is the result of that work!

(Click to view the full size images.)

Balloon Bobble, my interpretation! Originally it was an augmented reality type game (where digital obstacles were placed in your real world environment). After some criticism, it's now a fully 3d environment that you look around in using your phone camera. Move your phone to move around the room and hit the balloon! Keep the balloon off the ground long enough to win!

I already have SOME experience in this type of work. Aesthetically pleasing design and placing things where they're easy to see and read. So, this was pretty natural for me! Some of the challenges were deciding what to model the app off of and making a wireframe.

I had never made a wireframe before this class. It helped a lot, and was really interesting seeing where the design went afterwards, though.

I took a lot of inspiration from Nintendo's AR cards on the 3DS for my original incarnation. But, after posting it and getting feedback, I realized it might be a bit complicated or hard to code. So, like I said, it's a pure 3d environment now. Feedback helps!

All in all, it was a fun class! I got to use Adobe Illustrator and learn how it works more effectively. And got to make the type of logos and designs you'd see in the real world! I think that's very valuable.

Thanks for playing!

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