I hope you aren't tired of me linking the Goals and Research Questions post! Here it is again! This will be the last time, though.
A SMART goal is a specific approach to goal-setting that helps keep you focused on your progress. SMART is an acronym, being:
Specific (Is your goal limited enough to say when it's been accomplished? For example, "I want to get better at art" vs. "I want to learn how to draw realistic anatomy" or "I want to learn how to match a specific style".)
Measurable (Can you measure your progress or success through metrics, such as a certain percentage of progress or a checklist?)
Attainable (Is your goal realistic? Can you achieve it within your given time restriction or at all?)
Relevant (Does your goal contribute towards your larger goals and aspirations? For example, will completing this goal help me get hired at my dream job?)
Time-bound (Does your goal have a due-date that is somewhat challenging and encourages you to effectively manage your time?)
A goal with these 5 traits is much easier to stick with long-term than a vague one.
How would I translate my list of goals into SMART format?
Improving my communication skills
Specific: I want to understand other people's ideas without help and ask the right questions when I can't.
Measurable: Right now, I struggle with conversations or questions I don't know how to answer and often don't think of important questions on the spot. I'll track the times I've handled these situations better on a list or tally.
Attainable: These skills can be trained (otherwise, there wouldn't be communication classes at all). I just need to work on it more during in-person conversations.
Relevant: Communication and feedback skills are important in ANY career, especially business or video-editing.
Time-bound: I have a little more than a year before I start looking for a job, so that's the uppermost limit. I'd like to start working towards it sooner, though.
Growing my professional network
Specific: Self-explanatory; I want to grow my professional network.
Measurable: Measured by how many people I have contacts or positive relations with.
Attainable: Many have done it before me! This is attainable.
Relevant: Having a business network in my desired field helps a lot in landing that job - whether through references or word of mouth.
Time-bound: Same as communication skills' SMART goal.
Learning video editing software
Specific: I want to learn to use Adobe Premiere.
Measurable: I'll take checklists of goals and functions and check them off as I learn them.
Attainable: There are plenty of tutorials for learning Adobe Premiere, and I've used Adobe programs before.
Relevant: This is immediately relevant to my video-editing career path!
Time-bound: This will be more immediately relevant, as I edit as both a hobby and (eventually) a job. I want to be experienced in it in about 6-7 months (before I get my degree, so I can continue practicing before I look for a job).