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BUS250 – Well That Overview Was Wrong


Classes have been going well! I don't have much to note. BUS250 is the first in-person class I've had to do since the start of college, and it's been taking advantage of that. Plenty of partnering! Plenty of working with other people. It's a different experience I don't get very often!

But I like working with other people! As long as they're willing to work with me too, of course. It can be fun.

Now! For the thing the overview was wrong about!

Turns out, the subject I picked for my presentation was too specific to find much usable information on. If you remember, that was a decreasing amount of computer literacy in younger people. That's something I still heavily care about, but it's a little bit out of this project's scope.

So, let's try something else! Still centered on the internet.

Advertising is constantly present throughout almost every aspect of daily life – on TV, on the internet, in the news, on billboards, etc. If there's a place to put an ad, someone's probably has. Advertising is a part of marketing, after all.

This is not inherently bad. Maybe overbearing, but it could be a lot worse.

Case in point: The state of online advertising.

With the internet constantly growing larger, online advertising is targeted. You can see this in Facebook's advertising options with settings for age, gender, marital status, hobbies, major life events... Targeting your ads is a helpful tool, but data collection creates massive privacy concerns that many users aren't aware of. Suddenly, data collection turns from a tool into a breach of privacy and safety risk.

That's not even mentioning shady websites that show ads leading to scams or malware.

Advertising can be and often is heavily abused, and comes with heavy consequences for your average internet user's privacy and safety.

I'm not against advertising, but I am very worried about what it does to online spaces when left unchecked.

Look forward to that! I don't have the class time to change my topic again, so I'm fairly sure I'm sticking to it this time!!

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