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User Experience - My User Experience


Here we are at the end of a class once again. This is essentially a finale/conclusion to BUS262/User Experience!

So, what do I have to say about it?

I didn't make a lot of blog posts about User Experience, but the two I did (Introduction and Current Project Update) already showed off some pretty valuable lessons.

My main takeaway from this class is that listening to others is important! Not just the customers - advice from your co-workers, people you survey, or other sources of feedback can all be valuable. Everyone approaches and thinks about things differently. Different ideas and viewpoints are very valuable to you! Without them, there might be opportunities or problems you would otherwise have missed.

That goes for almost everything creative or that takes a lot of thought in designing, not just User Experience. However, it's particularly important to see how the USER in User Experience interacts with it.

This is something that applies to me in particular. I do a lot of creative work where, naturally, I don't want to give away all of my plans to the people interested in it. However, it's still good to discuss with others and generate ideas. (In my case, I'm (very slowly) working on a PC Game that's heavily shaped by my friend's ideas and feedback).

In the future, I'd be interested in making a more unique website for my work - a separate site from this one. When I do, the tips I learned in this class will definitely make it more understandable! Knowing everything that goes into making an intuitive website helps me a lot.

I'm excited to see where this takes me!

As a final note: Since my last blog post, I updated my flow diagram and prototype for my Five That Drive app one more time. This was mostly responding to feedback, adding more pages, and fixing an oversight in the flow diagram.

Thanks for keeping up with me!

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